Contents tagged with grassland and forage management

30 May 2024

To help improve grassland productivity, the 2024/2025 Recommended Grass and Clover Lists (RGCL) for England and Wales have welcomed 11 new varieties, including two Italian ryegrass, six perennial ryegrass, two lucerne and one festulolium variety.

25 November 2021

Grasslands, forage and soil research partnership

30 October 2023

Accounting for fertiliser and feed prices, it calculates the cost benefit of applying nitrogen to grassland.

11 January 2021

Join AHDB’s Siwan Howatson, Grass & Forage Scientist and James Holmes, Resource Management Scientist for a discussion on making the best use of slurry, manure and fertiliser.

23 October 2020

Silage clamps should ideally be tested every four weeks over winter to maintain ration consistency for high-yielding herds. Even grass that is properly clamped averages 12% losses in dry matter over time, which affects intakes.

28 September 2020

AHDB supported a panel discussion with the British Grassland Society (, on practical advice for establishing herbal leys in 2021 and beyond. The panel will included Kate Still, Soil Association and FAB farmers facilitator, Robert Thornhill, dairy farmer and Nuffield Scholar and Dafydd Parry Jones, organic beef and sheep farmer and Farming Connect mentor.

23 March 2020

Grass is an important crop and grazed grass is the cheapest feed on farm, yet it rarely earns the respect it deserves as a potentially high-quality, natural ruminant feed. This manual will help producers develop new, more efficient grazing strategies to improve returns for their business
